The development of a new three-year Human Resource Development (HRD) Strategy by Government will be high on the agenda next week when the Ministry of Labour and Social Partnership Relations hosts a consultative workshop.
The workshop will be held on Thursday, February 21, in the Main Conference Room, New Administration Building, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Cave Hill, St. Michael, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Senior level managers from the public and private sector who were involved in the implementation of the original HRD Strategy Programme 2011-2016, as well as stakeholders from the Third Sector, will be the main participants.
It is expected that the new HRD Strategy would guide interventions to create a cadre of globally competitive citizens, through an efficient, well-coordinated, effective, knowledge-led, flexible and demand-driven HRD system.
In addition to discussion on a new strategy, there will be a brief review of the HRD Strategy 2011-2016, as well as a presentation on some of the recommendations from strategies relating to HRD that led to increased productivity and growth of Malta’s economy.