Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management
Request for Expressions of Interest
Consultancy Services to Design and Implement an Integrated Knowledge Management System for the Agricultural and Fisheries Sectors
1. The Government of Barbados (GOB), through the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Human Resource Development (MLSD), is currently implementing the Barbados Human Resource Development (HRD) Strategy with the assistance of the European Union (EU). The overall objective is to support the Government of Barbados in its efforts to increase international competitiveness, promote sustainable growth and poverty alleviation. Specifically, the outcome is to provide a framework for strengthening human resource and skills development, while improving the employability and overall productivity of Barbadians.
2. Under the HRD programme, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management (MAFFW) is seeking to develop and implement an Integrated Agricultural and Fisheries Knowledge Management System. The main objective of the knowledge management system is to enhance the Ministry’s delivery of service to its key stakeholders and transform the agricultural and fisheries sectors into more modern, efficient, technology and knowledge-driven sectors through the effective dissemination of information. The system is also expected to increase stakeholder collaboration as well as interaction between the Ministry and its agencies. The Ministry requires a Consultant to assist in the design, development and implementation of the proposed knowledge management system.
3. The Terms of Reference for this consultancy is available at or will be forwarded upon request by emailing
4. Eligible individuals are invited to indicate their interest in providing these services. Applicants must provide information establishing that they are qualified to perform the services (resumes/CVs, relevant qualifications, description of similar assignments, appropriate skills, competency in English) and their level of availability for the assignment (an outline of current engagements in other projects or employment). In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualifications and relevant general and specific experience on similar assignments. Applicants may also be invited to an interview.
5. Queries and requests for additional information may be directed to Ms. Yohlanda Cave at 535-5140 or or to Mr. Robert Saul at 535-5137 or
6. The original and one copy of the Expression of Interest clearly marked “Request for Expressions of Interest: Consultancy to Design and Implement an Integrated Knowledge Management System for the Agricultural and Fisheries Sectors” must be prepared in English and delivered in sealed envelopes to the following address no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 10, 2016.
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management Graeme Hall
Christ Church Barbados
7. Expressions of Interest reaching the Ministry after the deadline will not be considered.