Labour Department HIV Debating Competition 2012-2013

 The Labour Department recently held its 5th annual HIV awareness drive, in the form of a debating competition, under the theme ‘Getting to Zero: Zero Stigma, Zero Discrimination’. Five organisations participated in the competition: namely: Savannah Beach Hotel; Government Information Service; National Housing Corporation; Barbados Agricultural Management Corporation and  the Ministry of Housing. After an impressive discourse by BAMC and Min. of Housing at the finals, the latter team emerged as the winners of the competition. The final moot was ‘Employers should keep confidential any information volunteered by an employee living with HIV’. The previous topics for discussion were:

  1. Employees should disclose their HIV status to employers;
  2. Employers should always facilitate an employee living with HIV; and
  3. Testing for HIV should be compulsory for all patients admitted to all hospitals.

During the impromptu speech contest, Ms. Joy Green of the Min. of Housing won the audience prize after making a sterling presentation on the topic ‘Employers should educate their workforce in relation to managing HIV and AIDS in the workplace’.


 Finals: Team B.A.M.C in ‘heated’ debate


 Preliminaries- Team G.I.S undergoes cross examination