Dramatic Presentation Competition rules 2014 -2015
- The script of the dramatic presentation must be presented with the entry form. It may be presented as a monologue or as a group not exceeding three persons.
- Each entrant will submit a dramatic piece based on the theme: ‘HIV and You: In de Workplace Too, Not Just a Health Issue!’
- A qualifying round will be conducted during the week of 26th to 30th January, 2015. For the qualifying round, an excerpt of the dramatic piece of approximately three to five minutes duration should be delivered. They will be assessed by a panel of three judges, after which the finalists will be selected.
- Entrants are advised to consult the unaids.org website for terminology guidelines related to HIV. It is very important that correct language is used and that correct information is conveyed during the drama piece
- Dramatic pieces delivered for the finals should not exceed 10 minutes.
- The deadline for submission of the dramatic piece is Friday 16th January 2015 at 12:00 noon by email to hivcompetition@labour.gov.bb.
- The announcement of the finalists will be done by email on Monday 2nd February 2015, but not later than Tuesday 3rd February, 2015.
- The finalists will deliver their pieces on Thursday 12th February, 2015 before a panel of three judges and an audience in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, Warrens Office Complex, Warrens, St. Michael.
- Prizes will be awarded to the participants placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Additionally, an incentive prize will be presented to one entry that appropriately considers issues impacting persons with disabilities. The decision of the judges is final.
- Finalists may invite colleagues and friends to the finals.
Entry form for the Drama Competition. Click Here.