March 8, 2025
Home Employment Services One Stop Resource Centre

One Stop Resource Centre

One Stop Resource Centre


The One-Stop Resource Centre was instituted by the Ministry of Labour in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Labour in 2002. It was designed to enhance and expand the services of the Barbados Employment and Career Counselling Service and it offers a number of services and job-search tools, namely:

Free Internet Access
Persons can post résumés/C.V.’s, carry out on-line job searches via the internet; use the Barbados Labour Market Information System’s (BLMIS) website and access a job bank where employers post their vacancies.

Microsoft Office Applications

Persons can have access to individual computer stations to prepare application letters, cover letters and résumés. Persons are also be allowed to use the photocopier and facsimile machine.

Winway Résumé Deluxe Wizard

This is an American résumé system which assists persons in formulating their   résumés by providing a résumé format and a search engine which provide suggestions for job objectives, duties performed under various jobs, and a spell check system.

Computerized Internet Assessments

Persons can take the Interests and Work Profiler assessments to assist them in their career choices. These assessments tools are designed to help persons identify their interests, skills, personality type and values.

A wide array of information in the form of pamphlets, magazines, employment encyclopaedias, brochures and video tapes is made available to all persons who visit the Centre.

The Career Key This is a self-assessment tool which uses the Personality Theory to help persons determine their personality type, which can in turn lead to a most satisfying career option. It aims to show the relationship between one’s personal attributes and different careers. This tool is based on the Holland’s Self Directed Search theory that states, “People work best in environments that match their personality type.” Six personality types are measured:

  • Realistic -“Doers”
  • Investigation -“Thinkers”
  • Artistic – “Creators”
  • Social -“Helpers”
  • Enterprising -“Persuaders”
  • Conventional -“Organisers”



  1. Persons using the Centre are expected to follow all rules and regulations.
  2. Each person will be allowed to photocopy five copies of their résumé/C.V.
  3. Time spent in the Resource Centre will be restricted to the preparation of résumés/C.V.’s, research of jobs on the internet, the reading of magazines, pamphlets and books on employment and training opportunities.
  4. There must be no removal of materials from the Centre without permission.
  5. Playing of video games or chatting on the internet are prohibited.