The Occupational Safety and Health Section of the Labour Department is reminding employers and employees of some of the requirements of the Safety and Health at Work (SHaW) Act, which was passed in January this year.
Under the Accidents and Occupational Disease (Notification) Act, Cap 338, all employers are reminded that they must notify the Chief Labour Officer forthwith of every accident arising out of and during the course of employment which results in the injured being away from their normal duties for more than three days.
In addition, the accident scene should not be disturbed unless authorised by the Chief Labour Officer and in the case of serious accidents, employers should inform the Labour Department at telephone numbers 310-1513 to 310-1524.
The prescribed notification form may be obtained from the Labour Department, 2nd Floor East, Warrens Office Complex, Warrens, St. Michael or downloaded from the Ministry of Labour’s website at
Section 91 of the SHaW Act, Cap 356 requires that every factory employing 10 or more persons post the abstract of the Act at their principal entrances where employees enter.
All factories are encouraged to obtain a copy of the abstract from the Labour Department and these will be issued on a first come, first served basis.
The Chief Labour Officer has reminded the public and suppliers of equipment that all pressure vessels such as boilers and air receivers, as well as lifting equipment including elevators, cranes, hoists and lifting tackles, should be examined annually by an appointed competent person.
The list of such persons may be obtained from the Labour Department and is also available on the Ministry of Labour’s website.
All contractors, sub-contractors and persons undertaking construction and civil engineering work are reminded that they must notify the Chief Labour Officer regarding building operations and works involving engineering construction.
The relevant form may be obtained from the Labor Department and the notification should be submitted no later than seven days before the commencement of such works.
For further information on these notices, persons may contact the Occupational Safety and Health Section of the Labour Department at 310-1523/24.