May 9, 2024
Home Policies & Programmes

Policies & Programmes

Policies & Programmes

In its efforts to fulfill its mission, the Ministry of Labour has a number of active policies and ongoing programmes which seeks to assist the Government and its Social Partners in promoting opportunities for the provision of decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom of association, equity, security and human dignity and to provide quality social and economic benefits for Barbadians.

The Ministry strives to develop a Barbadian workforce, including persons with disabilities, that is well informed, properly trained and conditioned for the local, regional and extra-regional labour markets; to ensure that there is decent work for all people of working age and to create a climate that allows people to operate to their true potential through an environment of harmonious industrial relations, cordial conciliation and healthy working conditions; to facilitate an environment for fostering the establishment and growth of businesses of all sizes; to ensure that all aspects of child labour are eliminated and to minimize the impact of HIV/AIDS in the workplace and to encourage labour force diversity through the expansion and promotion of technical  and vocational education and training.

The International Labour Organization’s Conventions, which were ratified by the Ministry of Labour, and the role of the C144 Committee is also highlighted.

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