Welcome to the second component of the Ministry’s review of the Barbados Labour Market. As with our first series “Key Trends and Developments in the Barbados Labour Market”, the aim of the Ministry through this exercise, is to provide readers with an understanding as to some of the key labour related trends and developments. Here again for each variable, graphs are provided along with the corresponding labour market statistics. For this exercise however, the write-up for each labour market statistic is reviewed according to gender.
The timeframe utilised for most of the statistics is the ten year period between 2003 and 2010. For some of the information, point-to-point estimates are utilised for the years 2003 and 2013 whilst for others, information for the latest available year is provided.
The following ten gender dissected statistics compiled for the exercise are now shown:
- Adult Population by Gender (000’s) 2003-2013
- Labour Force by Gender (000’s) 2003-2013
- Employed Labour Force by Gender (000’s) 2003-2013
- Unemployment Rate by Gender (%) 2003-2013
- Youth Unemployment Rate by Gender (%) 2003-2013
- Inactive Adult Population by Gender (000’s) 2003-2013
- Employment by Occupational Group (000’s) 2013 only
- Employment by Industrial Division (000’s) 2013 only
- Employment by Highest Level of Qualification (000’s) 2013 only
- Selected Tertiary Institution Graduate Statistics by Gender
Please click here to view the summary of key findings.
Once again, please do not hesitate to contact the Manpower Research and Statistical Unit (MRSU) at Tel: # (246) 310-1400 if you have any queries, concerns or suggestions with respect to the contents of this section.