
Prosthetic limbs in...
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Prosthetic limbs in Barbados

2 Posts
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Paul Mayers
Reputable Member Admin
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Dear madame

 what a pleasant day it is to see Barbadian people living in harmony . My concern this evening is a very urgent matter 

concerning the amputees of Barbadian .The disability unit of Barbados  are carry out a program helping the disable

person in the island that can't afford to purchase   prosthetic limbs one of them person is a young 

man who been on the waiting list and can't get around with out the use of two sticks ' this is very important 

to the people of Barbados in case of an emergency persons with one leg and can't get around would be carry away in the flood

and be trap in an emergency which would be putting more pressure on person to rescue such persons in an hurricane or 

earth quake or any type of disaster . i am appealing to government   to assist some persons who are in dyeing   need

 of    prosthetic limbs as a matter of urgency to help such person on there feet to contribute to society as a person

and feel less depress to put more weight on there family when there can be on there feet and helping each other   my warm

and  sincerely congrats to your team

and may you solve this problem for many person in need of a urgent leg to walk on 

sincerely yours


Submitted by Ray Mohammad

Harley Moseley III
 Harley Moseley III
(@Harley Moseley III)
New Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2

Dear Sir,

There is an issue with regards to providing prosthetic limbs to patients.  

However, a prosthetic limb is a medical device.  The provision of one inappropriately, can be equally as dangerous as not having one at all.  Undue stress on the heart and sores caused by ill-fitting limbs can lead to an untimely death or further morbidity for these patients.  

Thus, there is a process required prior to the provision of these limbs.  Firstly the patient must be medically screened and counseled to ensure that he/she is an appropriate candidate for the limb.  Next the patient must be trained not only on how to don an doff the limb but to ensure that they are cardiovascular you fit enough to handle the limb.  

Only after they have passed through this, then the prosthetic is medically prescribed according to each patients individual needs  which have been identified by the initial screening process.  The prosthesis is then custom manufactured according to the prescription.  Once completed it is then fitted and adjusted to the patient.  

For the 5-8 years of the lifetime of the prosthetic, the patient and the device are then monitored and adjustments are made to suit in order to prevent complications.  Due to the high potential of short and long term medical mishaps,  the idea of “donated” or second -hand prosthetic devices is extremely dangerous and not recommended.  

My suggestions to address your issue would be to increase the number of personnel required to provide these limbs; the setting up of a fund (be it public or private or both) which could help to subsidize the costs of these limbs -it used to be done in the past- and further concentrating our collective efforts into preventing people from losing their limbs in the first place!

