In the wake of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Barbados, the Ministry of Labour and Social Partnership Relations has issued a number of notices.
With immediate effect, unemployed persons who had previously been referred to the Barbados Employment Career and Counselling Service, located at the Warrens Office Complex, Warrens, St. Michael, are no longer required to make those visits.
In respect of the Holidays with Pay Act 2017,the Ministry has advised employers, that while they may determine the date on which an employee starts his/her annual holiday, they must be mindful that Sub Section 4(5) of the Act states that an employee is entitled to at least 14 days’ notice prior to the commencement of the holiday.
The Act further provides in Sub Section 4(4) that an employee’s annual holiday shall be granted and taken in one continuous period, unless there is agreement between the employer and employee to take the holiday over more than one period.
Closure Of In-Office Visits
The public is also asked to note that in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, in-office visits to the Labour Department at the Warrens Office Complex are suspended with immediate effect, until further notice.
Clients seeking information on safety and health matters are therefore asked to access the Safety and Health Section via telephone numbers 535-1513 to 535-1522.
Queries on lay-offs and leave procedures may be directed to the Industrial Relations Section via telephone numbers 535-1506 to 535-1512 as well as 535-1533 and 535-1566.
The Ministry advises that there will be some capacity to handle emailed queries. In such instances, these may be forwarded to and