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Handling of luggage

1 Posts
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Paul Mayers
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Just returned from a lovely trip to Southern Ontario including Niagara Region. Attended our son’s graduation and arranged accommodations for our daughter who starts Hospitality and Tourism program in September. 

While hoping that the currency holds it’s value, like so many others (mainly for selfish reasons) deeper down I believe that Bajans need a devaluation, even temporary, to instill necessary discipline in terms of consumption of imported goods. Innovation, creativity and productivity, leveraging local resources, would likely result. This is why a revaluation (perhaps with value protected artificially using an algorithm including variables relating to deficit /surplus, debt to GDP ratio, and restricting downward movement to 10 % variation per year) is proposed. A variable exchange rate might also be administered to support education abroad, mission critical imports of productive machinery and equipment and such things as medicines that serve the National interest.

What I am really writing about this evening though is the embarrassing situation of luggage; literally sputtering onto the one handler in use some time after arrival. Immigration cleared the passengers in a timely manner but CAS left some of us waiting for up to an hour for baggage. Rather than instituting people movers, better facilities for handling baggage might be considered. Possibly underground conveyors from the runway. A couple of the existing runway stairs might be fitted with a locally designed and fabricated roof to allow dry passage to the bus on rainy days.

Incidentally, we might commence our plan for island wide wifi in the arrivals lounge at the air and seaports.

More ideas to come.


Submitted by A. Simpson
