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Process at Customs Department must be streamlined

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Simone Gill
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I recently had to use the services of the Customs Department at the airport to clear some computer parts.


I collected the documentsfrom the shipping agent and took them to the customs area, where they were reviewed and the goods examined. I then had to drive from that area to another building to submit the documents for further examination and then to pay the duties.


Several people were waiting because the person who receives the documents was at lunch and there was no one there to replace her. After I started discussing the inefficiency and the impact on national productivity, another employee explained that somebody was on sick leave and there was no replacement, hence the huge backup of the queue. But, there were other officers that could perhaps have helped to handle the situation.


Having waited for about forty-five minutes, I finally was able to complete the transaction after a glitch. The officer had an issue with how one item was classified, but couldn’t reach the officer that examined the goods. In the end, she accepted the classification, which was correct (an internal computer graphics card is not an accessory). I then paid the charge and then had to drive back to the other area to collect the goods.


The point of all this is that all the Customs functions should be housed in one building and in close proximity so that people do not have drive from building to building to transact business. Additionally, staff should be cross-trained so people can fill in when needed and so that business can continue as smoothly as possible when someone is unavailable.



David Brathwaite 

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Este manual contém instruções práticas para auxiliar os serviços de saúde a elaborar, implementar e avaliar um programa de prevenção de acidentes com perfurocortantes. Uma vez implementado, o Programa de Prevenção de Acidentes com Materiais Perfurocortantes em Serviços de Saúde ajudará a tornar mais seguro o ambiente de trabalho não só dos profissionais da saúde, mas também de todos os outros trabalhadores que atuam nesses serviços.

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