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Crypto Currency

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Simone Gill
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I would like to suggest granting ICO permissions to operate in Barbados. This will provide the funding through hundreds of millions of dollars flowing through the countries economy. Resolving the financial issues that the country currently is haunted by as well becoming the leader in the Caribbean for the near future of the Crypto global revolution. Do so before any other country sets regulations and benefits from the rewards that this will bring.


Daniel Evelyn

Simone Gill
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ICT : Rebranding of online payments and promotion abroad by foreign offices and locally (not necessarily primarily GIS which has its limitations) along with expansion of government services to be paid online. This should be facilitated by banks but not only by commercial banks but by BITT (in the form of both digital dollars and crypto currency) and investigation of engaging other Blockchain solutions including those similar to Alypay and the Ethos wallet.

Blockchain/Crypto currency and local investment encouragement.

There are too many immediate steps required to explain here, including the urgent development of rules and legislation that are attractive to ICOs and crypto currency exchanges to attract foreign exchange and jobs, aggressively promoting Barbados as a crypto currency hub and seeking financial support for software training related to Blockchain technology, addressing impediments imposed by commercial banks such as account refusals and refusals of credit card use to purchase crypto currency, refusal of acceptance of foreign exchange from abroad, among others, education in investment and promoting domestic training. Much more could be added here.

Hallam Hope


Ms. Layne
 Ms. Layne
(@Ms. Layne)
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Mr. Gill I think this is a great reference and very true.  It is amazing the opportunities this current is affording not only investors but every day average transactions also in a global sense. 

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I am an avid supporter of the internet and internet investment and business and I am in agreement that we need to make it favourable for ICO and other investment type businesses to be linked to Barbados. I say linked because just the registered office would be here but essentially the business would be globally based as it is on the internet. I think however that the idea and business of cryptocurrency is only being touted about in certain circles and there needs to be a wider education of the public about what cryptography and the resulting blockchain technology is about and how it works in the real world. Most certainly there are many benefits as I can count on my hand since I personally do business with a company in Czech Republic because of blockchain technology that now allows me to be an investor in the first blockchain mobile operator and also use their cutting edge simcard that does not incur roaming charges and yet has a 50% lower airtime charge that local operators (PAYGO Platform). Also because of blockchain, I am a shareholder/tokenholder in this company and I am paid a dividend bi-weekly. Crypto technologies is a major paradigm shift and the younger economy needs to be allowed to access it. Brick and mortar businesses do have their place, but with an ever shrinking local barbadian economy we need to shift to the global market of 7 Billion and access investment and jobs virtually at a fraction of the cost of doing business in Barbados.

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