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Plastic consumption and environment friendly buses

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Paul Mayers
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Good morning Miss Mottley and the new parliament.


It's great to see a reinvigorated parliament. A couple of ideas from me as a regular visitor to Barbados. 


-I would like to see Barbados become more aware of plastic/polystyrene consumption and the subsequent waste that is produced. Do I really need my shopping double bagged/ my lunch in a (non-biodegradable) polystyrene tray?

Particularly around the beach facilities and along the roadside you don't have to go far before you find waste food boxes and plastic bottles. Barbaodos is beautiful. I would like to see Barbadians proud to keep the island tidy again and not throw garbage by the side of the road or at the beach. I don't think it should be an expensive initiative, since the driving force would be through a combined effort by everyone and a change in attitude towards consumption/waste.


- I would like to see, more cleaner environmentally friendly buses/minibusses around Barbados.  The buses on Barbados are notorious for black smoke and fumes belching from the back. Yes, it is not cheap to replace buses and so it would be a long term goal. But i would like to see more, less polluting public vehicles on the island.  Could maintenance practises/servicing also help reduce pollution from buses in the interim? We're all aware that what we pump into the atmosphere  is going to impact future generations as well as our own respiratory systems today. 


Submitted by C. Emm

Simone Gill
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eliminate single use plastics (straws, styrofoam food containers, plastic bags (seriously Bajans misuse plastic bags on an abhorrent scale).  There are biodegradable/ environmentally friendly options for each of these items (paper straws/ bags/ bags made from corn)


Julie & Ted

Nikola Simpson
 Nikola Simpson
(@Nikola Simpson)
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Banning single use plastic including styrofoam

Firstly, I think that we need to start with a greater education campaign highlighting the potential negative impacts of plastics on human, environmental and economic health. This can be followed up with supporting the reduced importation, manufacturing and consumption of single use plastics and styrofoam with the end goal being a ban on single use plastics, while providing affordable alternatives. 

  • In 2017, Barbados imported over 6000 metric tonnes of plastic with a value of over $42million BBD! 
  • Over 1,000 tonnes of waste is sent to SBRC daily, of which over 70% can be recycled.  
  • Every piece of plastic ever made still exists today.
  • By 2050, there will be more plastic in the sea than fish (if nothing changes!)
  • ~8 million tonnes of plastic waste ends up in the oceans around the World every year! 

The plastic that we consume and discard of daily will affect the environment and our health for generations to come. When we throw something away, there is no such thing as away; it must go somewhere.  Often that somewhere is into our water sources, into the sea and potentially back into us! Do we wish plastic leaching into our soil, into our food, our water sources, do we wish our marine wildlife such as sea turtles to be choking on plastic bags? Do we wish to be potentially consuming plastic in some of our favourite fish dishes? Or would you like that pie served with a side of plastic too? Do we want our beaches, where our children play and tourists lay to be covered in plastic?  

After thorough stakeholder consultation, consider legislation to ban styrofoam and other single use plastics while providing incentives to make the alternative affordable (Antigua's case study is a relatively successful one in the region which was government driven and included tax incentives so that the alternatives were almost the same price as styrofoam for example). This ban could include a 6 month- 1 year phase out period where existing stock is used up and there are incentives for the alternatives. 

However before banning, we must ensure that we have the necessary infrastructure and capacity to deal with this.

  • Can we continue to research development of alternatives locally from sugar cane bagasse or maybe even other substrate such as sargassum?
  • How will we ensure that after efforts are made and money spent these alternatives are not ending up in the landfill?
  • Can we continue to work towards creating a commercial composting facility so that alternatives are broken up/down into organic matter? 

Along these lines, I would like to see enforcement for littering and illegal dumping with the required fines! At a meeting yesterday, we all support 'ticketing for littering'!

I would like to see more bins on beaches and in parks with proper collection by the responsible entity (would this fall under NCC?). There could be at least three bins, one for organic or green waste, one for recycling and the other for 'other' waste. However, these would have to be accompanied by training on which to place in each bin, clear visuals, monitoring and efficient removal. Corporate Barbados as well as restaurants, hotels and other establishments on the beach could sponsor and brand these bins! 


Simone Gill
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Posts: 235

As a matter of urgency,  the Government of Barbados needs to follow the lead of other Small Island CARICOM states to initiate bans on polystyrene products and single use plastic bags as well as reduce other single use plastics such as plastic straws and food containers. It also needs to expand the Containers Act to include all beverage containers.

Given the problems the country is facing with its drainage and sewerage systems as well as garbage collection, illegal dumping and littering, the island must move to sustainable approaches to handle plastic pollution and it cannot be done without legislative support. Many of these items are discarded carelessly and end up in our gullies and beaches and cause expensive damage to our already overburdened Sewerage systems. We also need a well funded public education campaign to reduce litter and anti-pollution with stiffer penalties for illegal dumping and littering.

Almost 6000 persons have already signed the below petition which was sent to officials who formed the previous government with no action taken. Many of your petitioners are Barbadians and visitors who want to see a cleaner and more sustainable Barbados.

Many thanks for your time.

Tara Inniss

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I recently saw an article about a brand new start up company in California that found a way to convert polystyrene (plastic) into liquid which it can then make into nylon.

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